Prednáška v angličtine bez prekladu, prednáša Kailash Beyer

The meeting is led by Sri Chinmoy’s disciple Kailash Beyer (Zurich, Switzerland). According to him, humour and humility, silence of the mind and fitness of the body can be the keys to stress-free life. For the past 50 years, Kailash has led an unconventional life: running marathons, climbing mountains, running successful businesses. For all his busy commitments, through regular practice of meditation, he has been learning and practicing the principles on which to build a harmonious full of energy and balance. VSTUP VOĽNÝ
Dátum a čas: 21. 10. 2022 friday 19.00h
Miesto konania: SPACE UP coworking & events
Záhradnícka 95
tel.: 0950 432 488.